Do Men and Women Need Different Workout Supplements?
Like just about anything, when it comes to pre- and post-workout supplementation, you can find store shelf upon store shelf of products formulated specifically for one gender. But do men and women really need different worko
How Much Beta-Alanine Should You Take to See Results?
Whether it’s included in your pre-workout drink or you supplement with it separately, beta-alanine is a good addition to any roster of performance supplements. But in order to derive all its benefits, it’s important to kn
Is There a “Best” Time to Take Beta-Alanine?
Beta-alanine is one of the most well-researched performance enhancers in the world of sports supplements. Studies show that taking it consistently for about four weeks can result in a higher resistance to fatigue, allowing yo
Can You Build as Much Muscle Using Vegan Protein Powder?
Play a game of word association with “vegan,” and “healthy” might come up rather quickly. “Muscular” might not. But that could change — and sooner than you might think. As plant-based lifestyles catch on for mor